- Authors are requested to submit their papers/manuscripts to in MS Word format.
- Work submitted to the journal must be original and not submitted elsewhere for publication.
- The manuscript should be written in English.
- The first page of the manuscript should contain the following information: (i) Title; (ii) Author(s); (iii) Institutional Affiliation(s); (iv) Abstract of not more than 150 words; (v) three to five keywords; (vi) corresponding author in case of multiple authors. A footnote on the same sheet should give the name, address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address of the corresponding author.
- Acknowledgments and information on grants received should be given in a first footnote, which should not be included in the consecutive numbering of footnotes.
- Manuscripts should be in 1.5 spacing, with 1 inch margins (A4 size) with pages numbered consecutively.
- The manuscript should be divided into clearly defined and numbered sections and sub-sections which must contain the essential elements such as Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Conclusions, Artwork/Figure and Tables. Titles and subtitles of sections should be short.
- References, tables, and figures should be on separate pages. Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively in the text in Arabic numerals.
- Footnotes should be kept to a minimum and numbered consecutively throughout the text with superscript Arabic numerals. Footnotes should be single spaced and not include displayed formulae or tables.
- Displayed formulae should be numbered consecutively throughout the manuscripts as (1), (2), etc. against the right-hand margin of the page. In cases where the derivation of formulae has been abbreviated, it is of great help to the referees if the full derivation can be presented on a separate sheet (not to be published).
- References should appear at the end of the main text before tables and figures. It should be single spaced and listed in alphabetical order by the author's name. References should appear in the Chicago style (Author-Date Style) as follows:
For Journal Articles in Print
Author, Last, First, and Author First Last. Year of Publication. "Title". Journal Name volume # (no. issue #): inclusive page numbers.
Sample Citation-
Chatterjee, S. and B. Eyigungor. (2015). "A Seniority Arrangement for Sovereign Debt". American Economic Review 105 (12):3740-3765.Note that journal titles should not be abbreviated and the issue number must be provided in parenthesis after the volume number if the journal begins each issue on page 1.
For Online Journal Articles
Author Last, First and Author First Last. Year of Publication. "Title." Journal Name volume #, no. issue # (Month/Day of Pub): inclusive page numbers, URL or DOI number.
Sample Citation-
Ferrell, Robert H. 1990. "Truman's Place in History." Reviews in American History 18, 1: 1-9. the article does not mention the page numbers then leave this space blank in the citation.
For Books:
Author, Last, First, and Author First Last. Year of Publication. Title. Location of Publisher: Publisher.
Sample Citation-
Rajan, R.G. (2011). Fault Lines: How Hidden Fractures Still Threaten the World Economy. Princeton: Princeton University Press.The author should ensure that there is a strict one-to-one correspondence between the names and years in the text and those on the list. - The manuscript excluding the footnotes, references, table and figures should be at most 8000.