WE - A Multidisciplinary and Multilingual Peer-Reviewed Research Journal publishes original contributions in the field of Arts and Humanities. It also incorporates research reports and includes reviews of important Indian and foreign publications. Special issues on various aspects of Library, Philosophy, Linguistics, Sanskrit, GRS, Hindi Literature, Buddhism, are also published from time to time. It is published half-yearly in June and December every year. WE, is the academic endeavour of the faculties and research scholars of the Faculty of Arts, University of Delhi intend to propagate, promote and disseminate research, innovation and latest trends in the field of Arabic, Buddhist Studies, English, Germanic & Romance Studies, Hindi, Library & Information Science, Linguistics, Modern Indian Language & Literary Studies, Persian, Philosophy, Psychology, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Urdu and Slavonic & Finno-Ugrian Studies. The editors invite scholarly research articles and review studies related to the above-mentioned disciplines of knowledge.
Contributions may be sent by email as Word attachments, to wefacultyofarts@gmail.com Contributions by post may be sent to:
Prof. KP Singh
WE - A Multidisciplinary and Multilingual Peer-Reviewed Research Journal
Faculty of Arts, University of Delhi
Delhi - 110007
Website: https://www.wejournal.net/
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DU-Vidha is a Journal of Creative Writing. It is a bilingual journal in both Hindi and English. Its title, DU-Vidha is intended to signify (a) literary genres (vidha) as practised in Delhi University, as well as (b) duvidha, creative dilemma and deliberation, as experienced by writers in negotiating what to say and just how to say it. The journal will be published twice a year. It will be a free open-access on-line journal (with no print edition.)
While the journal is open to all members of the University of Delhi -- in all its Colleges, Departments, Centres, and Institutes - it is meant primarily for students, undergraduate as well as postgraduate. Some space will be available for contributions by members of the faculty and staff as well
Besides poems and short stories, contributions in other literary genres too, such as imaginative prose of all kinds, will be welcome, in both Hindi and English. We also invite paintings, sketches and photographs for publication. Creative designs for a logo for the journal, displaying the name DU-Vidha in both English and Hindi (i.e., in roman as well as devanagari alphabets), will be especially welcome.
Contributions may be sent by email as Word attachments, to du.vidhajournal@gmail.com Contributions by post may be sent to:
Dr. Sukrita Paul Kumar
Under the aegis of Aruna Asaf Ali Chair
Cluster Innovation Centre
University of Delhi, Delhi - 110007
Website: http://journals.du.ac.in/creative
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The Delhi University Journal of the Humanities and the Social Sciences is a peer reviewed online journal that provides an intellectual platform to address complex topics in a comprehensive and holistic manner. One of its objectives is to promote cross-fertilization of ideas and intellectual dialogue across disciplines like History, Economics, Geography, Political Science, Social Work, Sociology, Philosophy, Psychology, Philosophy, English, Education, Library & Information Science, Literary studies, Linguistics, Buddhist Studies, African Studies, East Asian Studies, Adult Education and related areas covering a wide range of issues, methodologies and disciplinary perspectives that cater to a diverse and multidisciplinary readership. The journal is an online journal with ISSN as 2348-4357 that publishes original papers, review papers, empirical research, case studies etc. with occasional special issues. For submission of research articles and for any queries, the mail ID dujournal.hss@gmail.com may be used.
Prof. Pami Dua
The Delhi University Journal of the Humanities and the Social Sciences
Website: http://journals.du.ac.in/humsoc
| The University of Delhi proposes to publish a research journal of the Natural Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Geology and Earth Sciences). The journal will be published once a year, to start with. It will be an open-access on-line journal (with no print edition.) Submissions will, after preliminary screening, be double-blind peer reviewed.
Contributions are invited for publication in the inaugural issue of the journal. While we seek to publish the best of contributions from the wide world, we propose to showcase the research being conducted in India and in particular in the University of Delhi, especially by younger scholars.
Submissions may be between 6,000 and 8,000 words in length, and must conform to the 'Harvard' system of referencing (i.e., with all references provided within the text in parentheses specifying the author by surname, the year of publication, and the page number of the passage cited, with full details of publications provided in 'Works Cited' at the end of the article.)
Contributions for the inaugural issue may be submitted, initially in soft copy only as Word attachments, to dujournals.natsc@gmail.com. Prospective contributors are welcome to correspond with the Editor, at the above email ID, before submitting their contributions.
Professor Avinash Khare FNA
Department of Physics and Astrophysics
University of Delhi
| The University of Delhi proposes to publish an online research journal with the title- 'DU Journal of Undergraduate Research and Innovation' to disseminate academic articles based on original research work from research projects funded by external agencies or the University and from project work accomplished through its various programmes such as Innovation Projects, Gyanodaya Express, CIC projects, R & D, joint research with partners in India and abroad, educational excellence tours for persons with disabilities, Connect to India etc. The journal will be of International repute with an ISSN number.
Contributions are invited from the undergraduate teaching faculty and students, who have conducted research with funding from the University of Delhi or any other funding from a recognized sponsoring agency. They can submit their original research articles strictly according to the submission guidelines for the journal given below.
Contributions or any communication may be sent to the email ID dujournal.ugresearch@gmail.com. The contributions received will be peer reviewed by the Board of Advisors and Editors and subject to plagiarism check before publication.
Sample Paper
Research Council
University of Delhi
Website: http://journals.du.ac.in/ugresearch